recent date night
-Slater started a new job a couple of weeks ago at a new outdoor store. Outdoor Waco will open sometime in April! It will be a bike shop, an outdoor store, and a coffee shop all in one in downtown Waco.
-I am still loving my job as the Admissions Coordinator for the Master's program at the Baylor School of Social Work.
-We are in a night discipleship training school with our church. We go to class two nights a week from 6-10. We worship God, hear teachings, are discipled, read through the Bible, memorize Scripture, read books, share the Gospel, serve in our church weekly, disciple others, and go deeper in our walk with the Lord. We are learning a lot. It feels really busy to work full time jobs and go to night school, but we are thankful for this unique season of life and for the ways we are going deeper in our faith together during our second year of marriage in this discipleship training school.
-We are running the 5k portion of the Bearathon next weekend. It will be my first 5k to ever run and our first race to run together.
-Slater has been really into playing basketball for many months, but has recently really gotten into playing frisbee golf. He has been playing with guys often. He taught me how to play. I like it because you can hang out while you play. There are beautiful courses at Cameron Park. We have been spending lots of time at Cameron Park lately and are thankful for the spring weather, longer days, and more time outside.
-I still love cooking and trying new recipes. Slater is always happy to eat my food, and we enjoy being in the kitchen together.
-We transitioned out of leading in the college ministry at our church last summer and are really loving our new young adult lifegroup.
-Waco has a new downtown farmer's market and we like going on Saturdays and buying our eggs and maybe fresh veggies or a crepe.
-We had a week long break from our night class in honor of spring break and we really enjoyed being active at the park together and getting more time hanging out with our friends. Slater played more frisbee golf with his friends and I had a girls night of cooking and watching a movie. We love our friends.
-We love Saturdays at home together!