Hello and welcome to our blog! We are the Jacksons.
"The Jackson Daily" sounds like a newspaper title. So, we named our blog "The Jacksons Daily" because we think it will be somewhat similar to a newspaper. (Obviously this "newspaper" centers around the news of our lives.) Many things you find in a newspaper you will likely find on our blog at different times.....headline news, daily updates, cooking and recipes, pictures, living, sports, etc. In all likelihood, there will not be a post every day, but there will be daily life adventures recorded here semi-frequently.
We have been joyfully married since July of 2010. We love our life!! Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and it is so sweet to pursue God together. We live in Texas and have an incredible family and community of friends.
We would love for you to keep up with us here. We are so glad you have come to our blog and hope that you will visit often!